Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I love a parade!

Grandad and Matt have all the fun! They got to ride on a float in the Junior Parada in Florence last Saturday. They got to wear hats, bandanas, and wave at the crowd. Matt got the best job. He got to throw candy to the crowd. Can't beat that.

Check these two handsome dudes out. Make sure you catch the sign. Grandad was the guest of honor for the CAC float.

Does it bring back memories? Check out the Shriners cars.

If you recall, the parade lasts all of fifteen minutes. But it's fun and nobody is taking themselves seriously.

Messiah spirit

It has happened once again. At least once during all the practices for our community presentation of the Messiah, the Spirit bears witness that the words we are singing are true. It's never with the same song and never at the same time, but you can count on having the experience sometime.

It is a testimony to me of the power of music and the inspiration Handel enjoyed as he created this series of moving pieces.