We'll start with the most recent trip and work back from there. We went over to Las Cruces to help out with Brad & Elizabeth's open house at home. We helped turned Mom's backyard into a fairyland with about a kazillion ivy bowls with tealights hanging everywhere in the trees and shrubbery and from the fence. The temperature moderated as the sun went down. Then a thunderstorm cell came through and closed things down just as the party was ending. The backyard cleared in about 5 minutes and all the decorations, refreshments, tables & chairs, etc moved inside. We had a good time and got to see old neighbors and cousins.
During our preparations and shopping I decided that we needed to fill a deficiency that Dana has been experiencing since we live in Arizona. We proceeded to buy a bunch of sparklers and other fireworks, which we used, watched and played with in the backyard at about 10 pm after the storm had blown through. Sparklers are still fun after all these years.
Saturday morning Brad was introduced to breakfast at White Sands. He thought the beach was okay but the heat was just too much. We cooked breakfast over wood fires which was a unique experience. We got the obligatory photo of Dana sliding down the dune. We even got away without too much sand caught in pockets and rolled pant legs.
The second week in June,
Dana went to girl's camp and Rick and I went to Albuquerque. Rick had two different meetings back to back, so he met and I explored Albuquerque and Santa Fe. We did get a chance to go up the tram to Sandia Peak, which was fun. It got very cold at the top as the sun went down, which shouldn't be too surprising since it's 10,000 feet in the air.
My time was spent in shopping, which was fun since I found a small Christmas shop in Old Town, Albuquerque, and in taking photos. There are a lot of interesting little alleys and doorways just begging to be drawn or painted. I did the same thing in Santa
Fe, but I also got a chance to sit and sketch the main square for an hour. FYI: Old town Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Old Mesilla all look the same. A square, a church or two and an inordinate number of shops crammed into all kinds of spaces.
We are now preparing for the BIG trip to Greensboro, NC. We have our checklists and Dad is stressing even more. Only 11 days!
1 comment:
Just wait until Dana is introduced to fountains and bottle rockets. She may never be happy living in Arizona again!
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