Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's been four weeks and what do we have?

Let's play a game. Look at the two pictures and see if you can tell what is different between them. The clutter on the counter doesn't count.

Look closely.

Ready? You may have picked out the microwave above the stove. Matt, Dana and I hung it Thursday evening.
Anything else? "En-n-nt" (That's a buzzer sound, in case you can't tell) Time's up! There isn't anything else that you can see. It's a trick question. For about a week we had a beautiful kitchen as you can see in the first photo BUT no water and no electricity. The electricity was finished on Friday. The water was connected on Thursday but we had sediment blocking the flow until Saturday. Now, it all works. I cooked dinner with the stove and microwave and we are running our inaugural batch of dishes in the dishwasher as I type this. It doesn't seem real in some ways. I know Janessa asked about being able to cook on a real stove again. I have to admit that it was a bit of an adjustment to use more than one burner at the same time. And the water was hot in less that five minutes!
So this is the new kitchen. We still need to attach handles to the doors and drawers and finish the floor under the fridge and freezer. The appliance garage had to be reordered. We need to move back in. It certainly makes the kitchen much bigger. More room for bodies.
I have been warned that it won't stop with the kitchen. The rest of the house will look shabby and need to be redone. I hope not for a while. Now you all need to come visit so you can see the end result. The best part? I can put the roaster up in a cupboard and leave it there.


~Whitney~ said...

New kitchens inspire lots of creative cooking, and entertaining :) It looks fantastic! You were brave to do so much of the work yourselves!

hazelnutmegan said...

It looks fantastic! I'm so happy for all of you --- imagine the space you'll have to create!