Thursday, July 30, 2009

Houston, we have lift off!

We haven’t said much about our planned addition because there were a number of snags that had to be cleared. But finally, it is happening.

This is what we left on Monday, July 13, when we went to Cheyenne.
This is what started the next week after we came home. Progress!
Ready for the cement.
We had Kristy, Josh, & Katelyn visiting last week. We got to play in the sprinkler, staple paper, play with balls and watch the construction, among other things, like shopping and sewing.

They did get to see the cement poured for the slab. The kids got a kick out of seeing the cement trucks and watching the whole process. Katelyn was fascinated by their big boots, especially when they walked right into the cement to shovel and smooth it. The downside was the fact that they started work at 5 am and they were NOT quiet.

Katelyn and Josh got to continue the Gibson tradition of always leaving your mark whenever wet cement is in place.

Then we had to wait for the cement to cure.

Tuesday, July 28, saw the wood delivered for the framing.
Wednesday, it all started. At 5 am. It’s an interesting experience having power saws ripping through rafters and roofing waking you before the sun is up. Two guys are working the framing. They start at 5 am and quit at 2 pm. Their daily progress is amazing to me. They certainly know their job.


Thursday: They put the trusses up today, which was fascinating to watch. I thought they would use a crane. All it took was four guys and a notched 2 x 4. The trusses were upside-down on the walls. The guy with the 2 x 4 pushed up on the center of the truss. A guy on each end lined the ends up on the wall and a guy up on the rafters nailed a stringer along the ridge line to hold it in place. Once the trusses were up, then a guy went along the ends and nailed the beams securely to the walls.
They are putting the roof on and the working on inside walls. Dad has decided not to tackle the shingles, but we will be putting up wallboard in about 2 weeks. Anybody want to help? Bring a hammer.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Holy cow! What a change! Jacob loved the cement mixer and the wall frames. I loved seeing a picture of dad in a shirt sleeve shirt. That hasnt happened for a LONG time! Good luck finishing it up!