Sunday, August 23, 2009

It Rained! In the House!!!!

You’re never sure how good the new roofing job is until it rains. We were glad there was no rain while the roof was open to the sky. We heaved a big sigh of relief once the shingles were on and tied into the old roof. Then it rained Thursday evening. We had drips in the master bedroom along the first beam. It wasn’t too bad. The roofers came out and did some stuff. We were set. Saturday morning at 4 am, we woke to rain and drips in our bedroom. This time it was on the second beam and was pretty steady. We had to move the bed and set out a line of buckets to catch drips and towels to catch splashes. We also discovered a very large damp spot, with some drips in girl’s room. We moved most of the books off the top self and all the boxes and other stuff that were on the floor under the spot out of the bedroom.

The roofers came Saturday morning and worked on the roof. We hope it’s fixed. We worked on restoring order to some of the chaos. My clothes are now back in the closet. We sorted through three boxes of stuff from the utility room and some of that is back on the shelves. Some of the plumbing patches are back in place, but not taped yet.

I am realizing that in addition to the addition, we need to paint the rest of the house as well. No telling when that will get done.

Random stuff:

Flashlights found on the shelves of the utility area. Don’t know how many of them actually work.

The Great box migration

The adventure continues!!!!!

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