Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring is sprung

It's Spring! Better look fast because it will be gone in a couple of weeks. We're already seeing afternoon temps in the mid-80's. The climbing roses we planted on the arch have bloomed. They have a light fragrance and look so pretty. Everything else is growing. Dad says there will be a good crop of apricots if the birds don't get them and they don't fall off.

Grandad said it couldn't be Easter without doing eggs so he and Dad did the honors.

Part of Spring is the Spring Board meeting for NACAA. This year was our last one and it was held in San Antonio during the last week of March. We got to go on a tour and I explored downtown San Antonio by trolley and on foot. We walked a good section of the River Walk and saw some historical sites. This is the Navarro House. Part of it is built of adobe and part of caliche blocks. Built in 1850 something. Very simple, very nice.

Dad at the Governor's Mansion, unfortunately closed for renovations.

Our tour took us south of San Antonio to two ranches. One ranch was over a hundred years old and still run by the same family. Part of it was still a cow/calf operation and the other part was a wild-life hunting range, wild life being deer, wild hogs, and a variety of birds. The other ranch is dedicated to breeding "true" long-horn cattle and run by the Detmer family of BYU fame.

This horse pestered anyone standing close to the fence to "pet me, pet me!" And this is a long-horn, in case you couldn't tell.
The trophy room at the wild-life range.

Okay, all you rock people. The storage for fodder for the cow/calf operation was in a BIG hole dug out of the hillside. This is what we saw inside. You can see the layers from the plants and soil on top down to the limestone underneath. Or caliche. Dad would know which.
This is the ranch house for cow-calf set-up. It was built in the 1850's of limestone quarried on the ranch. The owners just finished remodeling and restoring the building. Very beautiful with big windows to catch the breeze. Big old live oaks around the fence for shade. Love the porch.

I shall miss the trips, the places we've been, and the people we met. Spring Board has taken us to Myrtle Beach, SC, Corpus Christi, TX, Albuquerque, NM and now San Antonio. Fun times.


Dana Gibson said...

Now wait a minute. Caliche and Limestone are not even close to being the same thing! Sheesh, have I not taught you anything? (I'll gladly come home and teach you!) I guess the real question is, can you have a layer of Caliche that is about 11 feet thick? If not, it looks like a nice specimen of limestone. Were there any fossils in it?
Love you mom!

Katie said...

I'm glad you've had such great chances to travel and explore. I'm sure the close of this "season" will make way for an even better one. Love you!